
Managing Life with Hemophilia: A Resource for Parents, Families and Caregivers

Date: 07/18/2022

While considered rare, as many as 33,000 males in the US are living with hemophilia, or the disorder in which blood doesn’t clot normally. Symptoms of hemophilia typically include excessive and unexplained bleeding from cuts or injuries, numerous large or deep bruises, or nosebleeds without a known cause.

Replacement therapy or replacing missing or low clotting factors through injection into the patient’s veins, is one treatment for hemophilia. Other advancements in treatment options, as well as enhanced focus on nutrition and exercise have made it possible for people with hemophilia to live a relatively normal life.

Our Hemophilia Care Management Program is designed to meet the specialized needs of people living with Hemophilia. At AcariaHealth, we do much more than just fill a factor or prescription. We empower patients and their families to navigate the complex medical and emotional aspects of hemophilia, manage their treatment and live a healthy life.

Learn more about the symptoms of hemophilia, ways to manage the disorder and links to other helpful resources by reading Managing Life with Hemophilia: A Resource for Parents, Families and Caregivers (PDF).


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